Nextcloud是 ownCloud 创始人发起的分支项目,是一款用于自建企业云存储(私有网盘)的开源软件。支持 PC、IOS 和 Android 三个同步客户端,用户可以很方便地与服务器上存储的文件、日程安排、通讯录、书签等重要数据保持同步。它还支持将数据保存到第三方存储中:Amazon S3、Dropbox、FTP、Google Drive、SMB、WebDAV、SFTP等。
frp是一个开源、简洁易用、高性能的内网穿透和反向代理软件,支持 tcp, udp, http, https等协议。frp项目官网是
外网用户通过https使用frp穿透访问内网Nextcloud云盘, 如果配置不好经常会遇到访问,会跳转到内网地址,或者跳转不带端口http协议),带端口http协议)。


修改frpc.ini。与配置有个两个关键配置:plugin_host_header_rewrite, plugin_header_X-From-Where. frp在穿透访问中如果不配置,header中host将采用本地Ip,remote_addr也采用本地ip,导致nextcloud无法获取想要的地址,php中redirect和location到错误地址。

 type = https
 custom_domains =
 plugin = https2http
 plugin_local_addr =
 # HTTPS 证书相关的配置
 plugin_crt_path = /usr/local/frp/
 plugin_key_path = /usr/local/frp/

 plugin_host_header_rewrite =
 plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp

2.nextcloud ini设置

修改 ./nextcloud/config/config.php

'trusted_domains' =>
     array (
     0 => '',
     1 => '',
     2 => ''
*List of trusted proxy servers
client IP will be read from the HTTP header specified in
<code>forwarded_for_headers</code> instead of from <code>REMOTE_ADDR</code>.
* Defaults to an empty array.
 'trusted_proxies' => ['',''],
 * 设置改写条件地址,满足条件的地址可以使用<code>overwriteprotocol</code>等配置
 * This option allows you to define a manual override condition as a regular
 * expression for the remote IP address. For example, defining a range of IP
 * addresses starting with `<code>10.0.0.</code>` and ending with 1 to 3:
 * `<code>^10\.0\.0\.[1-3]$</code>`
 * Defaults to `<code>''</code>` (empty string)
 'overwritecondaddr' => '^10\.10\.100\.100$',
 * 重写访问协议,因为frp中httpshttp会传输http访问地址导致跳转失败
 * When generating URLs, Nextcloud attempts to detect whether the server is
 * accessed via `<code>https</code><code> or </code><code>http</code>`. However, if Nextcloud is behind a proxy
 * and the proxy handles the `<code>https</code>` calls, Nextcloud would not know that
 * `<code>ssl</code>` is in use, which would result in incorrect URLs being generated.
 * Valid values are `<code>http</code><code> and </code><code>https</code>`.
 'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',

3.nextcloud 文件修改

修改./lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Request.php文件中isOverwriteCondition函数。nextcloud在isOverwriteCondition采用的$remoteAddr仍然为 $this->server['REMOTE_ADDR'],导致后续比较失败,不知后续版本是否有更正。

private function isOverwriteCondition(string $type = ''): bool {
$regex = '/' . $this->config->getSystemValue('overwritecondaddr', '')  . '/';
//$remoteAddr = isset($this->server['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $this->server['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
$remoteAddr = $this->getRemoteAddress();
return $regex === '//' || preg_match($regex, $remoteAddr) === 1
         || $type !== 'protocol';